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Review Show
TelecomTV’s Guy Daniels reviews the highlights from this year’s Great Telco Debate. All shows are now available to watch on demand. To explore further, below are all the links to the programmes covered in Extra Shot:
- How would such a business model lead to new service opportunities? Delivering a ‘Telco as a Platform’ model
- Will telcos only benefit financially from AI when they deploy their own customer-focused models? The practical applications for telco AI
- Is the vision of a single, distributed, centrally orchestrated network the key to unlocking long-term business growth? Is a techco best placed for API and AI success?
- Will 5G fuel the renaissance of telco IoT? Will 5G fuel the renaissance of telco IoT?
- Should 6G be part of telco investment plans? Should 6G be part of telco investment plans?
- What does the automotive sector really want from telcos? Can Telcos embark on a successful journey with the auto industry?
Recorded December 2024