Strewth! Australia's NBN looks to SDN and NFV to challenge incumbent's by providing new technology to allow new service providers into the market

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Daniel Willis, General Manager, FTTx, CTO, NBNCO

Australia's "National Broadband Network" (NBN Co) is in the midst of transitioning the 'Lucky Country' to a fully-digital future via the deployment of a brand new nationwide wholesale-only, high-speed, open-access broadband data network. Despite several major adaptations since the NBN was first mooted back in 2009, the result of technological advances, financial concerns and infighting amongst successive political administrations, the basic premise of the NBN remains the same: by 2020 to provide 90 per cent of the Australian people with access to very fast broadband over fixed lines, wireless and satellite links. And, as Daniel Willis explains, NBN Co is now looking beyond its current remit and to move with changing times by getting involved in 'Smart City ' projects and creating both a IoT business and the compute and storage services that will underpin IoT applications. He says, "As we look to SDN and NFV in Australia a main objective is to take away the advantages that some to the incumbents might have of existing infrastructure and let innovative new service providers come and address the market."

FILMED AT: Broadband World Forum 2016, ExCeL Convention Centre, London

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