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Strategy Outlook roundtable
As part of TelecomTV’s “Spotlight on 5G” series of programmes, vendors and operators discuss the development of the 5G Core and give their views and insights on its development. Based on TelecomTV’s coverage of the sector, we’ve identified the key areas generating the most interest amongst our community, and that could impact the strategic choices of telcos and their partners.
What is the current stature of Standalone 5G adoption? Is multi-vendor 5G Core a reality? Whatever happened to Network Slicing? And is the public cloud ready for 5G Core? We want to separate the hype from reality - and set out our Strategy Outlook for 5G Core.

Chris Daniel
5G Core Networks Business Line Manager, Communications Technology Group, Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Miguel Carames
Director of Network and Technology Planning, Verizon

Rimma Iontel
Chief Architect, TME Technology, Strategy and Execution Office, Red Hat