Apple now leads all mobile device vendors on global Internet usage, displacing Nokia for the first time ever in January, according to new research by StatCounter. Although Apple’s share of worldwide mobile Web usage slipped from 28.67 per cent in January 2012 to 25.86 per cent last month, Nokia suffered a far greater year-on-year decline, plummeting from 37.67 per cent to 22.15 per cent. Samsung Electronics also eclipsed Nokia over the last 12 months, increasing its Internet usage share from 14.84 per cent in January 2012 to 22.69 per cent.
In the US market, Apple accounts for about 53 per cent of mobile Web usage nationwide. Samsung follows a distant second at 14 per cent, ahead of HTC at 7 per cent.
FierceMobileContent: Apple, Samsung dislodge Nokia to lead worldwide mobile Web usage; TelecomTV content partner.
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