Armonk, N.Y. - 29 Apr 2017: IBM ( NYSE: IBM ) today announced that, which provides cloud hosting for customers across a wide range of industries, including digital media, has chosen IBM Cloud Object Storage for archiving services to help manage the company’s massive amounts of unstructured data and help clients derive new insights and value from the data they store on, giving both and its clients opportunities for new revenue streams. also recently tested IBM Watson Video Analytics, as the company seeks to provide new value-added services to clients in order to support video and picture tagging as a service .
The amount of data generated by digital media companies is growing rapidly. Analyst firm IDC projects the world's data growth to reach 163 zettabytes by 2025, with 80 percent of that growth coming from unstructured data created by the digital media industry.[i] Managing and storing growing digital media content can be both complicated and costly, leading some storage service providers to rethink their strategies in an effort to redefine the value of digital media content.
“We don’t want to just offer storage to our customers. At, our aim is to add value to our clients’ businesses by providing them with safe, reliable and easy-to-use storage on a very large scale,” said Gregor Frimodt-Møller, CEO at “One example of this is innovating our approach to data archiving to ensure we can deliver our customers always-on availability in combination with Watson services and technology.”
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[1] IDC White Paper, sponsored by Seagate, Data Age 2025: The Evolution of Data to Life-Critical , March 2017
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