Inclusively-MEF | Using an omnichannel approach for a truly inclusive experience

A conversation with Colt’s Rachel Collins, Lewis Insight’s Chris Lewis, and Senza Fili’s Monica Paolini

The increased emphasis on the customer experience suggests a real step forward for the telecoms industry. However, digital-first and mobile-first can amplify the problems faced by those groups we have identified as being often excluded from the benefits of services. Such groups include the disabled, the elderly, the economically underprivileged and those not yet connected. Most of these groups can be brought into the active addressable market if the industry takes on a broadly inclusive design across the board.

During this panel discussion at the MEF Connect event in London in December 2023, our Inclusively experts explored key activities, including from a design perspective, that every stakeholder can do to help build a more inclusive future.


  • Chris McGinley, Inclusive Research & Design, Royal College of Art, Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design
  • Mark Knowles, UKI Sales Director, Genesys
  • Chris Lewis, Founding Director, Lewis Insight
  • Monica Paolini, Principal, Senza Fili

More from the Inclusively series

How to get involved

In this video discussion series produced by Senza Fili, Chris Lewis of Lewis Insight and Monica Paolini of Senza Fili talk with service providers, vendors, regulators and researchers about how inclusive design can benefit all parties involved in the ecosystem and how being inclusive is not just the right thing to do but also a way to generate new revenues from neglected customers for services they need.

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