DigiApp2Go: Rapid test for digitization

With Deutsche Telekom's DigiApp2Go, small and medium-sized enterprises assess the maturity of their digitization themselves. Where are the gaps? Only those who know exactly can make specific readjustments. The key questions on twelve topics provide a quick and structured overview of the progress of digitization. The neutral evaluation includes a comparison with data from competitors. If desired, companies can follow up with an intensive consultancy check and receive precise recommendations.

Identify digitization topics per self-assessment

The self-assessment takes just 10 minutes and uses a standardized, vendor-neutral analysis model. It visualizes the typical dimensions for addressing the company's problems. The areas range from processes/organization to products or innovations to the topic of data, applications and infrastructure. The security topic is also included. Companies use a slider to indicate how relevant a subject is for them and how far they are with implementation. Each change in the slider is easily detected in a change in a star diagram. "This results in an interlinked view of the maturity level of digitization and identifies decisive levers," says Brigitte Schmitz, Partner Manager SAP at Telekom. "The challenges of digitization must not be viewed in isolation. Innovative strength and skills management, for example, are mutually interacting.”

Going into implementation with professional consulting

Different departments of a company, such as Sales, Service or IT, can use the app to develop a differentiated view of the status of digitization. The tool provides specific evaluations for the respective company. The anonymized data collected from all participants in a specific industry in compliance with data protection regulations creates a benchmark for the competitive environment.

On request, companies can take part in a consultancy check with a Telekom expert of up to three hours to receive individualized advice for the end-to-end implementation of solutions. A service that Störtebeker Braumanufaktur has already taken advantage of. Thanks to optimally interlinked questions in DigiApp2Go, connections between technology and the human factor become visible. New tools alone do not necessarily bring digitization success. They can lead to isolated solutions and additional administrative work. It pays to standardize and expand existing processes. This saves costs and helps employees: They do not have to constantly familiarize themselves with new applications.


How it works

Simply go to the website selfassessment.digiapp2go.de (in German) or scan the QR code using your smartphone, download the self-assessment and get started. In around 10 minutes, the app guides companies through the most important dimensions for addressing their digitization. The application runs on all devices.

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