Operators get new capabilities to manage customer experience for High Speed Internet and IPTV
[Shenzhen, China, August 5, 2016] Fixed Operators around the world are moving steadily from offering communications only to offering communications plus entertainment. That addition designed to meet increased customer expectations and regulatory obligations puts far greater pressure on the operator to deliver a higher quality Customer Experience. In response to Operator requests, the award winning HUAWEI SmartCare CEM portfolio has been extended to support fixed networks as well as mobile networks in a single platform, which brings economies of scale, reuse of existing use cases and the confidence of knowing that this platform is already used in 100+ deployments worldwide.
Mr. Liu Feng, HUAWEI SmartCare® CEM domain general manager said, “The HUAWEI SmartCare Fixed CEM series use cases help operators launch the E2E customer experience management and can improve handling of customer complaints and at the same time boost fixed service profitability. We have worked with various operators and helped them make great progress and business success in customer care.”
HUAWEI SmartCare Fixed CEM solution use cases include:
HD/4K Service Quality Management
Some 70% of tier-1 Operators look to HD/4K as a strategic enabler to drive ultra broadband adoption rates. Video on demand, network based storage solutions and catch-up TV all rely on having sufficient bandwidth between the core network and the consumers’ device. HD/4K viewers pay for a premium video product, either from the operator or from an OTT. Naturally these viewers have high expectations on their Quality of Experience (QoE). This expectation, translates into equally stringent requirements for Quality of Service (QoS) from the underlying delivery networks.
HUAWEI SmartCare Fixed CEM has been deployed to managing a major video CE improvement project for an Asian Operator with 8 million premises connected to a broadband network. Using a KQI system based on Human Factor Engineering which included video quality, interactive experience, and video view experience, gives Per Service Per User (PSPU) visibility into how each individual user experiences video streams.
CSAT Modeling and Root Cause Analysis
A major reason customers choose mobile only services, is due to frustration with a poor customer experience. This “Fixed Mobile Substitution” trend is a major threat to fixed network operators globally. Proactive care is the key to preventing customer dissatisfaction bubbling over into frustration. HUAWEI SmartCare CEM has delivered CSAT (Customer satisfaction) real time modelling around the world. CSAT modelling gives us the insights required to run intelligent pattern recognition algorithms which trigger the smart fault decision trees used to deliver proactive support. Proactive support is about dealing with issues before social media messages turn negative and calls start to hit the call centre. Proactive support not only improves the customer experience, but also reduces the cost of support to operators.
Smart fault decision trees are used to identify probable root causes for predicted service degradation. Network Operations and optimization teams can then be mobilized to perform preventive maintenance utilizing Huawei SOC’s processes and governance mechanisms. HUAWEI SmartCare Fixed CEM was used to deliver CSAT modelling to a European fixed operator. By reusing existing data from a multitude of legacy data sources and strategically introducing a limit set of new data sources we achieved a high rate of accuracy and precision.
Broadband/IPTV Up Selling Support
Traditional mass marketing campaigns have limited success rates and high costs. By contrast HUAWEI SmartCare Fixed CEM delivers real time insights into customer behaviour and enables targeted and engaging conversations; conversations where customers can expect personal and relevant messages on a non-disruptive schedule via the correct channel. HUAWEI SmartCare Fixed CEM records events on the network, customer behaviour, services utilised etc. Together with analytics this data is mined to give invaluable marketing insights into customers’ real needs and wants. One example has been deployed with a Middle Eastern operator to target customers with a suitable broadband connection and whose behaviour indicates an interest in IPTV.
With the power of HUAWEI SmartCare Fixed CEM predictive and prescriptive analytics, Fixed Operators are more in control by proactively anticipating service quality and capacity bottlenecks to drive Customer Satisfaction and support marketing campaigns. Securing Fixed networks role is now at the center of any advanced or developing economy.
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