Oct 16, 2019
[Zürich, Switzerland, October 9, 2019] Sunrise, the leading Swiss operator, joined Huawei in announcing the successful achievement of the first commercial 5G three-dimensional network in Europe. Using Huawei 5G products and solutions including the simplified macro station, micro station and digital indoor system, the three-layer network architecture is constructed to achieve a full 5G coverage.
A new simplified macro station "Super BladeSite" was introduced, which has innovated rapid 5G deployment in the scenario of limited site pole resources. In addition, the portable 5G micro station “Book RRU” enriches 5G site resources with abundant lamp posts, and becomes an essential supplement to macro station. This is a new milestone for the joint collaboration of Sunrise with Huawei to quicken 5G rollout and secure Europe’s top position in digital infrastructure in Switzerland.
Huawei 5G Book RRU and Super BladeSite
Three-dimensional Network Architecture Deployment
The first “basic layer” utilizes Sunrise's existing 4G macro sites to rapidly realize 5G basic coverage and capacity by using 5G simplified macro stations. Over 300 cities and towns across Switzerland are now covered by Sunrise 5G network.
The second layer, “supplementary experience layer” mainly aims at the edge of the macro site where there is poor coverage or heavy-traffic areas.
Using micro stations “Book RRU” installed on lamp posts can meet the requirement of experience consistency. A Book RRU is mini and easy to deploy in multi-scenarios, and it’s an essential supplement to macro site with its excellent performance.
The third layer “indoor valuable layer” is built for indoor coverage and to deliver better user experience. Sunrise chooses Huawei digital indoor system “LampSite” which is deployed in hotels and pavilions in Zurich and in more than 40 Sunrise shops etc. In the Q4 2019, Sunrise is launching “5G Indoor Coverage as a Service” for business-critical applications, such as automation and monitoring production processes.
Super BladeSite remodels 2/3/4/5G Site form with Easy site acquisition, Rental saving and Faster 5G Deployment
In view of the lack of pole resources in Swiss, Huawei simplified site solution plays an important role in accelerating 5G deployment. In the single sector scenario where there is only a single pole, Sunrise and Huawei successfully commercialize Super BladeSite, which includes Blade AAU that is a highly integrated product of active modules & passive antennas, Blade BBU, Blade RRU, Blade Power and Blade Battery. Full outdoor modular design makes it easier to deploy in 5G Era.
A Blade AAU combines full-band, multi-system, active & passive modules in one box. A Super AAU is able to run 2/3/4/5G cells on a single pole. Its Highly-compact design enables the compliance of Swiss antenna height limitation. Compared with the typical way of 5G AAU and 2/3/4G antenna separated deployment, adding new poles are not required. It can avoid reconstruction for existing sites. And it is easy to obtain new sites due to simple infrastructure requirement. 90% period of overall 5G site deployment is saved. Pole rental is also significantly saved.
In addition, a Super BladeSite as a full outdoor equipment eliminates additional power consumption of air conditioning in legacy site room, and greatly reduces carbon emissions.
Sunrise is the largest private telecommunications company in Switzerland with the biggest and most advanced 5G network, offering 5G experience up to 2Gbps. Sunrise is planning to accelerate its 5G network rollout on C-Band and offer the best 5G quality and performance to the people in Switzerland.
The 2019 Global Mobile Broadband Forum is attended by more than 1,600 people from operators, industries, vertical markets, standard and industry organizations, as well as media and analyst firms, from all over the world. Demonstrations on site showcase the latest 5G technology solutions, commercial cases and the rich applications including 5G cloud AR/VR, live 8K broadcast over 5G, and machine vision and remote control powered by 5G, etc. For more details, please visit:www.huawei.com/en/press-events/events/global-mbb-forum-2019/
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